Honouring the Strength of Women Worldwide: International Women's Day 2024 - Lily's Journey

Q: Tell us about when & how your fitness journey began.

A: My fitness journey started after the birth of my daughter. Going through a complicated pregnancy and gaining 50 kgs helped me quickly discover how important my health is. I started focusing on healthy and clean food options and integrated walking & Pilates into my routine. 

Q: What is your favourite physical activity and why?

A: I love Pilates and walking, it helps me build strength in my body and stay active without having to do intensive exercises. 

Q: Where are you at today in your health & fitness journey and how has this impacted your life?

A: With a busy lifestyle, I love to win my mornings. Either stepping into a Pilates studio or going for long walk, it helps me start the day fresh and prepares me mentally for the day ahead of me. 

Q: What are your tips for busy women who are the beginning of their health & fitness journey?

A: Discipline is my biggest asset to support and applying a growth mindset helps me to stay focused and continue to achieve my fitness goals throughout the journey of my life.